Wednesday 26 November 2014


There are many cat lovers out there and I am one of them. I like all sorts of animal, of course, preferably cute and cuddly, but the only animal I can afford to take care and most likely convenient for me to have right now, is this fluffy-cute-four-legged creature. They never fail to help me to release my endorphins hormones.

I have four...I mean...five cats at home right now. I always forget one of the cat because he is the oldest and always go outside; searching for thrilling adventure, I guess. Two of them stay in Kota Kinabalu and the other three at my hometown.  Yup, there are the infamous Town Cats and Country Cats. They haven't meet each other. But soon, they're going to meet during my sister's wedding.

Let me tell you the story of how we adopt them into the family. Well, my family is a big fan of cats, even my dad, a very strict Headmaster, loves to hang around with them. The Country Cats are named Cikalo (Alo), Ola, and Sogimura (Muya). Muya is the eldest among them, he is quite old now. I think almost 7 years old. He has greyish black fur and used to be so cute. But now that he's old, people treat him differently, not because he's not that cute anymore (well, partly) but, it's because he tends to piss around the house, I think his urine bladder is not functioning very well due to his age.

While the Country Cats are more like adult cats, the Town Cats are still young and fun. Oreo (or Olio) and Nella Nutella (Nella) are two new kittens which cost hundreds of ringgits. Olio is a Turkish Van breed while Nella is a Maine Coon. They have extra special care and attention to maintain the cuteness of their fluffy fur. Everything cost a bit more for these Town Cats than the Country cats. But it's worth it, for now. I just hope they stay as kittens forever. Well, everything small and young are cute and fun to be with; even human.

Men Vs Women ~ Dealing with problems

It's okay to feel down. But don't let those emotions drag you down for too long. When dealing with such situations, I will usually absorb every pain and feel the pain (sounds depressing, right..). Then, I will pour it out to someone I dearly trust and let all the feelings out. Being strong doesn't mean you have to keep it bottled up inside. Sometimes, you have to pour it out through tears a.k.a crying.

Women usually cry a lot than most men. That is why, women live longer than men. That's my basic calculation. Men get bald easily because of too much thinking. Whereas women, never get baldy like super-smooth-hairless bald. But, the problem with women is, we NEVER stop thinking. It keeps progressing and analyzing all the details. That's why sometimes I prefer the way men think. That is, not thinking of it too much. They can just let it go in a seconds. But, sometimes it's not solving anything. Especially when it includes a woman.

But, it just won't do for women. It's in our genes. It's double chromosomes XX. While men have XY, which probably means Yes or No. Women don't have a really precise conclusion for every matters on the dot. We are like CSI, and plus, we have sixth sense, a mother's instinct, a wife instinct (I'm sorry, i don't really know what terms you would call that). We just need to get to the bottom of everything! Including every hair that spotted on the floor.

Monday 24 November 2014

Simple Beauty Tips

Natural ingredients are the best for beauty and health. They can be found directly in your kitchen. For example, lemon and tomatoes are great to keep our skin away from bacteria.

Honey and eggs are also on the top list of my favorite home remedies for beauty skin. It helps to moisturized the skin.

Plus, drink a lot of water and wrinkles will go away in a week. I've tried that before and it work wonders!
That's it..simple right.

Alright then, I'm gonna get some water now.

Sunday 23 November 2014

When People Let You Down

Sometimes if not always, there are people who will never fail to let you down. No matter what they do, you will feel insecure and you just want to be 'disappear'. Sounds familiar, right? If this is you, then welcome to the human world. Everyone will have the same experience. Whether they did it on purpose or not, the effect will definitely haunt you for quite some time.

Some of the things that I will do to deal with these things are :
1. Avoid being around them
It will only cause you to hurt more. Staying around with them will make you more like them. You might want to take revenge and do the same thing to them. If not, then you are slowly torturing your emotional feelings.

2. Talk to your best friend or someone you trust
They will understand you more because they have known you for ages and know your personality. Real friends support each other. Those miserable times when you needed a friend is where you will know who your true friends are. I always get encouraged by my supportive friends whenever I feel like going down the alley of emotional destruction. They never failed to support me and that is one of the powerful tools to make me feel anew.

The meaning of life is to give life meaning

So, I decided to start a blog to fill up part of my 'meaning of life'. It's because I have so much thing going on in my head that I think I need to pour it out. At least, I can empower myself when nothing else seems to work out very well. This blog is all about encouraging oneself to overcome any difficulties in life.